Tips For Sending Emails That Get Opened

Online Marketing Tools

Tips for Sending Broadcast Emails That Get Opened and Make an Impact

Email Marketing Tutorial Part #5

7 Examples of Broadcast Emails

Then a bit of a description to help you use this information so you can send emails that get opened!

I also need to apologize for getting this out late. I said to some people I would have it out this morning after travelling but could not get to it until the evening after everyone else was asleep. I am sorry to not have done exactly what I said and thank you for your patience!

Broadcast emails are a key part of every marketing strategy.

They’re the emails that are most often sent to your main list and are either promoting something or keeping your relationship with a subscriber.

For example, a broadcast email is an email that a flight company sends to its subscribers talking about flight deals they’re running right now (a promotional email). Or, it’s a monthly email newsletter that sends to its subscribers as I do with Your Survival Plan (I send about three of these per month to each subscriber to this membership).

If your email can check off one of the below, then it’s a broadcast email:

  • It was manually sent
  • It was sent to your “Main List” of email subscribers
  • It was sent to subscribers NOT in an automated follow-up campaign
  • It’s time-sensitive

And, businesses send a lot of them. These emails are incredibly important to our marketing strategies because they keep our subscribers up-to-date on what’s going on with our business and most importantly, our products.

If you’re having trouble putting together broadcast emails or need more clarification on what they are, here are 9 examples to show you what broadcast emails are all about.

Example #1: Canva

Canva sent this broadcast email to its main list to tell them that they just put 60 million photos into their Canva Pro subscription.

Canva broadcast email example

Example #2: Fossil

Fossil sent this email to their subscribers to let them know about their 60% off sale.

Fossil broadcast email example

Example #3: Turo

Turo sent this broadcast email to tell their subscribers that they created Zoom backgrounds for them.

Turo broadcast email example

Example #4: Gap has a campaign for “Mystery Deals” that they’re letting their list know about in this broadcast email.

Gap broadcast email example

Example #5: Shutterstock curated a list of the best design tools for businesses and sent an email to their list to promote it.

shutterstock broadcast email example

Example #6: After holding an online event, Medium used Eventbrite to send a broadcast email to all of the attendees with a recording of the event.

eventbrite broadcast email

Example #7: I have saved my favorite example for last. PrepB4 is a website for preppers. It is my favorite because it is one of mine. I start by giving a free guide Not By Water Alone. It is presented with an autoresponder. I then give them about 72 hours and manually send a follow-up email to see if they liked it, offer Your Survival Plan membership, and ask if they have questions. It looks like this…



I hope you enjoyed the free guide Not By Water Alone! If you have and this has piqued your interest in prepping, let me help you!

I have been prepping for years and can lead you through this step by step to make sure you are ready before you have to be!

So you have a plan? How do you expect to get through the next emergency, pandemic, or disaster?

Maybe it won’t be that bad. Maybe it will just be a flood, power outage, or heaven forbid a fire.

Check out this page and see what you think! I will help you start Your Survival Plan!

I will be glad to help! If you have any questions or have an issue please reach out to me.


Take Away

Now that you have seen some examples, here is what I would like to help you understand so you can use this information to start sending your emails that get opened and clicked.

Broadcast emails are not the same as what you send through an autoresponder. Autoresponders will typically lead your audience through a journey or planned path. They also help set up for your Broadcast emails and build trust. They help remind your audience who you are so the emails get opened.

More about broadcast emails. These are great for new materials or updates. Make sure you have a subject line that lets them know this. They are good for sharing new posts and keeping your audience up to date with the information you are providing. Broadcast emails are personal, and a really good spot to ask questions, reach out for feedback. ask them to help you improve!

These two very different emailing efforts are so different but must work together! Make a plan and plan what you make!

In marketing, broadcast emails play an important part in reaching your goals. Use broadcast emails to promote new offers and to keep a relationship with your subscribers by giving them valuable information they’re interested in.

To stay consistent and share good information, I am sharing another video from Pat Flynn. In this video, he will give some more detail on how to set up in ConvertKit and reinforce what I have said here.

Hey, if you are really interested in this stuff and would like to know more, just fill out this form and I will answer any questions you might have! Let’s do this together!

4 thoughts on “Tips For Sending Emails That Get Opened

  1. Great article on broadcast emails. I am still new to learning all of the ins and outs of this. I have been using AWEBER for my needs so far and it has been working well. Your article is a great resource for people like me that are new to building up and maintaining an email list.

    1. Jamie, 

      You are headed in the right direction for sure if you are already using a service to manage your list and automate emails. AWEBER is a good platform! MailChimp will take you on a good journey too. i just feel from my experience, ConvertKit is the easiest to use, and gives you the most bang for your buck. 

      If you have this in place and just want to launch your list! Here is where you need to go. List Launch Challenge, I promise if you follow the 7-day exercise, your list will grow!

      Thanks for stopping by!


  2. Great post! I use both autoresponder mails and broadcast mails for different types of information. Pat flynn is a legend one can learn a lot from. Most online marketers use both types. And as you show here, it can be used in various ways. It is only your imagination that sets the limits. The problem for most people is often that so many marketers use aggresive methods and send non stop emails all day long once you are on their list and they get caught in  net of list responders. They are being overloaded with offers, tips, webinars and surveys, not to mention scammers,  so they stop opening and clicking.

    1. Hi Hilde, 

      There is a method to the madness for sure! Too much is annoying but not enough and they lose interest or forget. That is the way it works for me. I think the easiest way to find the happy medium you are looking for is to think of how you react. I have signed up for so many different things. I had an interest in everyone. There are some that I don’t open but have yet to unsubscribe because I am interested and want to read or even purchase something someday. If not I unsubscribe. Most people that sign up have some kind of interest in what you have to offer. If it truly brings value, then keep sending!

      It is easy to get into the spammy category too. be careful of this because you do not want to be the salesman, you want to be the solution to your audience’s problems. 

      Good to hear from you! 


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