New Additions


I am Chad Condon. I am continuously adding to this site. You may notice the common theme on the site is online marketing. My goal is to use this site to help streamline the process and help others get to where I am with fewer headaches. I am also branching out into different avenues to find and research products to review and provide for the general population. It will be the host of other sites I am working on to suit specific needs.

This site,

This one is geared toward helping people find tools and skills to help them with affiliate marketing. If you browse through the posts you can find info to help understand SEO, tools like Revive Old Posts, Theme Isle, and more. You can even click on the ads in the sidebar to find the best, most affordable VPN, a way to get free traffic to your own site, and various tools from Amazon. This is an affiliate site so I will receive a small commission from some of these items but it will be no extra cost to you!

If you are really interested in starting a new site or have one you would like to scale up, grow your email list, or even find affiliates for your very own products, check out My Tool Kit.

Such as

Which provides information for dog lovers. On this site, you can find lots of information to help you if you are looking to get a dog, have a dog, or even know someone with a dog. The goal is to improve the lives of all the coolest dogs on the planet.

As of 3/31/21

I now have included

This is a site where you can get free information on how to survive an immediate emergency. There are several products available to purchase to help you do this. If you follow the blogs you can actually acquire some primitive skills that no one can take away from you and they could save your life.

There are downloadable PDF files to be purchased for your learning on different topics for survival on Additional Downloads page.

Go to the home page and enter your info to receive a free guide with a list of 9 things you should have on hand to survive an emergency. If you would like my help getting ready before you have to be, click this link and subscribe, I will help you with Your Survival Plan.

I have also started a new adventure with Red Bubble.

This is a free site where you can design your own products and they promote, manufacture, and sell for you. It takes a little bit of work and promoting but that is all you do to make possible a large number of commissions. Here are some of the products I have for sale now at Red Bubble.

If you view the portfolio, there are many more items to chose from and pricing is available for each one. And again, more to come!

Coffee MugSpiral Wound Note BookParty Tee Shirt

Starting 5/15/2021 You Can Now Check Out

This website is really for my daughter. I am currently helping her get it set up and going but plan to turn it over to her. She has a lot of learning to do to manage the online part but her artistic abilities are already there. I hope this will be an avenue for her to make a little extra income from her wonderful creations. If you enjoy looking at art, would like to purchase Original Brown County Art, or have products made with the artwork printed on them, check this site out! It is pretty cool and it has just begun.

Between Now and 11/12/2021 I Am Promoting Product Launch Formula

This product has been successful since 2005. It has been the source of success for so many businesses worth millions of dollars! If you have a business and are willing to invest in it to launch your success, this is a formula that is proven to work!

It is limited time and is not open to the public currently. If you click on the name in the title or on this link for Product Launch Formula, I can get you on the waiting list so you are informed when it is available to purchase.

Never Stop Working

This site is continuously being added to and modified to help others find what they need. The main topic on this website is online marketing and things you should know to build your own website, scale-up, and expand. I will have much more information in the near future.

This is where I started it all for free. If you have an interest in starting your own business in online marketing, you should click this banner. I promise it will work!

Thank you for your interest, try back again soon if you have not found what you are looking for! If there is a specific need you would like for me to research, please leave a comment below or email me at I would be glad to help! You can fill out the form below and ask a question. I will follow up!
