About AOA

Welcome to my site! I am hoping I have found what you need! This is an ongoing effort, if you haven’t, please keep coming back!

How It All Started

One day, I was running ragged trying to keep up. I have a family of 5 with about 13 acres and animals to tend to, several large projects at work that all needed my attention, instructing a class two nights a week. Once I got home, I sat on the front porch for a bit to settle down before bed. My front porch is out in the woods, the frogs were making their noise, the stars were out, and I could hear the cool autumn breeze blowing through the trees. For these 10 minutes of my very busy day, I was in heaven. All the hard work I have put in to get myself to that place, to have the ability to be on that porch and soak up the wonders around me lasted a whole of about 10 minutes that day. Then it was off to bed so I could get up at 4:30 am and start all over.

That really hit me hard that day. I am not getting any younger, things are not getting easier, and the chores don’t stop. The next day was almost as crazy. I did not have to teach a class so I got to go home. When I got there, I found my wonderful wife in the process of cleaning up a huge mess the dogs had made. Immediately, I came to the rescue and jumped in to help.

There is nothing like after a long day at work to have to come home and wash two dogs. As much as I love my dogs, and as wonderful as they are, that is a back-breaking chore! That is when it hit me! I either need more time in a day or something has to change. I need more than 10 minutes of reward for all the work I do.


What Happened

I had to figure out how to make things easier. My back was sore from washing the dogs. They didn’t look as good as I thought they should after all the brushing I did so they didn’t become a huge tangled ball of hair after washing them. So I started looking online for what I could do to make this easier.

I found a lot of different sites to help me. In fact, I ended up learning a lot about what I was doing wrong. I had invested in a few things and the next time I had to perform this chore it was a lot less time-consuming. That’s when it hit me, I should look online for something to make everything easier.

What happened next was where everything started changing. In my searching, looking for the holy grail of ways to help me with the craziness, I found countless get rich quick scams, ponzi scams, and some opportunities that could possibly work if you could afford it.

In researching those opportunities, trying to find what I could do, I came across a site called Wealthy Affiliate. Looky there, I could start for free! Hmmm, that might be worth looking at! I read reviews, I visited the site, I read more reviews. What the heck, I signed up for free.


Wealthy Affiliate has changed my life. You should check it out!Wealthy Affiliate



The next day, I owned my own website and was on my way to discovering the vast amount of opportunity that was out there. Now I own a business, I have yet to make it to financial freedom but this is not where I get rich quick. It is another opportunity to earn a real income and have the ability to do it anywhere I want. Like the front porch!


The Goal I Have In This Site

Now that I have realized, how much help is out there and how many scams are with it. I have decided to be one of the people who help. My intent is to research and review things that could help make people’s lives easier. I want to help others who also need a hand making things easier. So please, click on any of the pictures on this page to see if I can help you!

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Chad Condon

4 thoughts on “About AOA

  1. Hi we think you have a good idea here and the fact that you are here to help make things easier for people is a lovely thought. We hope this goes well for you and good luck with your journey.

  2. I can relate with what you’re saying bro, this is especially when you’ve realized that time has gotten away from you and the jobs today rely heavily on their older and experienced workers all because we are more dependable.

    WA is an online course that can help you get to where you will have time and money to do what you want when you want.

    1. Hey Johnny,

      You do not have an understatement there! I have over 30 years of experience as a Steamfitter and run maintenance on a section of a very large, multi-billion dollar facility. I understand getting leaned on.

      I will say, I am not going to be here forever though, it is up to us to depend on others and empower them to follow in our footsteps to protect our future.

      Fidelity, Benevolence, Education, and Protection are four words that I have built my life on. These are standards that I promote in everything I do. I have found all of these at WA.

      Thanks for taking the time to add your comment!


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