How To Start Getting Email Subscribers



How to Start Getting Email Subscribers—Email Marketing Tutorial Part #2

This article is the foundation of how I started my email list. It is not rocket science or the big secret that nobody knows about that is going to send your site over the top. In fact, there are so many lessons and resources out there to help you with this, just like mine!

This is how affiliate marketing works! I could make a commission from you clicking on a link and finding a product that you want or need. My goal in doing all of this is to help those who need this information to get things rolling.

I will give some examples on my site of how this works, for example, if you were to fill out the form below this paragraph I will send you a free checklist on how you can start your own website for free. Yes, I said free twice in that sentence! I am charging you nothing but providing double the value. All I ask for is your name and email. In return, you will get the checklist with steps to build your own website and how to start it for absolutely nothing. This is called a lead magnet in the online marketing world.

The beauty of this process, and what most people are unaware of is, when you give out your information to a legitimate provider, you continue to receive value from the emails that you receive in the future. A lot of emails I get on a daily basis are what people consider junk mail. They are all ones I have shared my information with. Not all have value but it is as easy as clicking the delete button or unsubscribing if I find it useless. The best values are found by shopping. That’s what I do, and I can assure you if it is on this page it has provided value to me already.

Lead Magnet

So, back to the point. The number one easiest and best way to build your email list is with a lead magnet. Oh no! The secret is out! It sounds that simple and it is but if you are like I was, I had no idea where to start. Here is some more value! The List Launch Challenge. This program is developed by Matt Mcwilliams, “The Affiliate Guy” and is the easiest and most informative I have found. If you want to grow your audience, click the image below!

List Launch Challenge

Once you have started to figure all of this out, the next step is to get it out there. Obviously, you have to have a site. If you don’t click here!

Opt-in Forms

First, you produce a lead magnet. Something you can give away that provides value, immediately. Then you have to put it out there. IF you do not ask for the information you will not get it. The most effective and easiest way to do that is an opt-in form. There are plugins just for this, If you have an email service provider, most will offer formatted templates for you to build these with. I am going to recommend ConvertKit. They have, in my opinion, the best service on the market. Not saying the others are bad, this is just what has brought me the most value for what I payout.

They have so much to offer to help you succeed! At the bottom of this article, I am going to share a video from one of their top advisors for ConvertKit, Pat Flynn. He will share a bit more in detail on how this works. I will ask, if you find what I have said to be true, please come back and click through my site so I can be compensated for my research at no cost to you. That is how this market works. I do the same thing for the folks who have provided me with valuable information.

So remember, from this tutorial you should take away, the two simple steps to start growing your email list are to provide a lead magnet and get it out there through an opt-in form. Again, if you are not sure where to start or what to do, check out List Launch Challenge.

Tutorial Video

As I mentioned, here is the video I will share. In this video, Pat will teach you how to make your visitors want to sign up for your email list. He explores the biggest mistakes people make when starting email lists, eight types of incentives you can use to get people to sign up for your list, and ten specific places on your website you can place an opt-in form.

I hope this helps!


4 thoughts on “How To Start Getting Email Subscribers

  1. Hi Chad, this is really great timing. I have been wondering how to build an email list but definitely not knowing where to start. I find all the information out there on the subject overwhelming. I end up really confused. Your article is great, because it takes things step by step. Thanks for this! How long does it usually take someone to build up a significantly sized email list using this method? How long did it take you to build yours?

    All the best 


    1. Hello Beth,

      First, I will say, I am glad you have found this information. This is only the second article of five to get you through the process completely. That is what I found when I started. It is too much to absorb all at once. One has to break it down into actionable chunks because each step takes time. That is why I have broken it down and made it easier to accomplish. 

      As far as how long it takes to build an email list, it is different for everyone. That is just the way it works. If you are fortunate enough to have the exact topic and means of putting things together where it goes viral, it could be overnight. 

      I am not that fortunate, I have been working on building my list on this site for not even a year and it is on its way. One thing I will say, once you have all of these steps in action, it will never stop. You should be able to continue to grow for a very long time if you continue to put in the effort.

      I know the person I have learned this from, Matt McWilliams, has built several email lists in the 10’s of thousands. Not just one that could be a fluke, he has proven this system and repeated his success. That is why I promote List Launch Challenge. It is the most comprehensive training on how to do this and ConvertKit is the service provider that fits this best.

      I hope you put this info to use and come back to continue learning more about this process!



  2. Hi Chad, I always enjoy reading your articles and this was no different. I guess I always thought that there was a secret about how to get subscribers but you made it very clear that it is all about having a lead magnet and asking people to subscribe. So simple! I enjoyed the video tutorial at the end it was very interesting.

    Thanks for this article.

    1. Hi Lily!

      It is good to hear from you again! It is nice to know there are folks getting good use of the information. It really is no secret, it is just an effort that has to be handled. Which without the right tools is really hard to accomplish. 

      One of the best tools specifically to build your list that I have found is a simple course called List Launch Challenge from Matt McWilliams. 

      Hope to talk to you again soon!


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