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Understanding SEO Helps Improve Your Site Rank


I am hoping to explain SEO in a way people can understand.

Help Understanding SEO

My Breakdown Of What I Know, In Layman’s Terms, there is so much more to understanding Search Engine Optimization than what I am going to list here but this should be a great foundation to help one learn SEO basics that you should know from the beginning.

It does not make a difference what search engine one uses, they all really use the same principle for crawling the web and inspecting sites to identify properties that determine where they should be ranked.

Knowing this and understanding it is a program that does this continuously can help you develop a strategy or a plan to improve your site ranking. Keep in mind there is a lot of competition out there. Getting a site ranked does not happen overnight. It takes regular monitoring and continuous participation.

A Quick Promotion First

After all, If you are on this site you are looking for something. I am here to help you out. These are the two things that got all of this started for me.

Wealthy Affiliate is a super great platform to build your foundation to start your online marketing business. You can start for free by clicking here or on one of the banners. This platform has all the tools you need to learn and acquire what you need to get started. They even have limited use of SEO tools free.

Jaaxy is one of the top-rated SEO research tools in the industry. This is the platform I use to research what niche I chose, keywords that are relevant, and track my site rankings. I feel it is one of the best SEO optimization tools out there. You can check them out from the banner below.


SEO In Layman’s Terms

Ok, here we go! These are the basic 7 things I use in building every page, post, or article I have on any sites. I hope I can explain this in a way that is easy to understand.

  1. Be Original: It makes no difference what niche you have chosen. Google for one takes great pride in its ability to identify and choose original content that is relevant to that niche. You have to learn, research, and gain knowledge so you can explain whatever it is you are writing about in your own words. Make it your own!
  2. Keywords: I promoted it earlier in this article, WA and Jaaxy make this easy! Keywords must be relevant to the niche and useful to your content. A little research can go a long way in choosing the right few rather than saturating your site with low-quality keywords.
  3. Blog, Blog, Blog: Stay active! SEO is ongoing and recognizes inactivity as negative. Not to mention the more information you have on your site, the more content the search engine has to recognize.
  4. Visuals: Have you ever heard a picture is worth a thousand words? It is true with SEO also. These programs that are crawling sites are also inspecting pictures and videos and they like it! If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth?
  5. Internal Links: Once you have some time under your belt and have a few pages and posts on your site, look for ways to reference your own material in a meaningful way. Creating internal links not only helps people who visit your site gain the information they are looking for, it helps web crawlers move around within your site instead of moving to the next one.
  6. External Links: Reference other credited sites. Be careful with this one, it can also move visitors away from your site. You can also use affiliate links to gain this aspect. It does join your page with other sites. Be picky on affiliates, not all are good. Make sure you are at minimum looking at there site and investigating their participation in the program that is available.
  7. Google Analytics: Learn it, use it, look for ways to improve SEO from the information the search engine is getting. This will help you improve the content and pages on your site. Here you can also provide a site map for them to improve SEO operation.

Now You Can SeeGoogle Glasses

I know, only 7 things, right!? This is why I said earlier there is much more to SEO than what I will cover. These 7 things are what I consider basic. These are things I use every time. It is a lot to absorb but if used regularly can become normal and improve your site ranking automatically.

From here there is so much more to discover. With the last one, if you use this SEO tool-free, the information they provide is overwhelming and vast. You can use these platforms to target the information you need to identify performance.

I Hope This Has Helped

Remember, my goal here is to help others succeed and make life a little easier. The information I have provided is no secret, I am just putting what I have learned into one place and trying to explain it in a manner that is digestible.

The main thing I will suggest in the end is going to Wealthy Affiliate. It will take a bit more time to acquire all the information I have given here but that is where I started. This is where I have learned all that I use. Once you join, you will find there are so many people like me that are there to help. They have an outstanding community that is benevolent and educated in this industry.

Good luck to you and your future success!


4 thoughts on “Understanding SEO Helps Improve Your Site Rank

  1. It’s rare to see people these days who are willing to see people succeed at first when I joined WA.  I was in doubt, now I’m just so angry at myself for not joining several years ago when I had the opportunity.  Like you tightly said,  there is a lot of competition out there,  it’s not easy to get a website ranked.  

    1. Hi, 

      I am with you! The only regret I have with WA is not having joined sooner. Everything I have learned about this industry has started at WA. The community is one of the biggest parts that keep me going. They are friendly, educated, and willing to help others succeed!

      It is very nice to be a part of that community that promotes success to everyone who is willing. 

      I hope the article has helped you in understanding SEO. This process alone is one way to bring your site to the top without having to pay for upgrades and list building platforms. It is the essence of acquiring organic traffic.

      I have lost a lot of money on paid advertisements. These are great avenues but require some real understanding and cost real money. SEO is what I am focusing on to gain ranking for free, it just takes time. 



  2. Wow! this post is on the spot of what I am needing! thank you for talking about SEO, when I started out on WA I was lost like asking my mom everything lost. Now that I have been here on WA for two months I am still learning but it’s such a fun place to be. 

    I loved how you talked about Jaxxy, I too use this platform often as well. this site is the best for searching keywords when my mind is lost on what to even start writing about.  

    Thank you again for this post I will look at it again very soon. 🙂


    1. Thanks for visiting Rebekah! 

      I am so glad you have found something that helps you on this site. That is the reward I am striving for. It is nice to earn a commission from anything you can but the blog is a hobby that is helping people and that in itself is great!

      WA is great and you will find so many rewards when you stick with it. 


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