Blogging By The Beach


Hello from Myrtle Beach! 

My wife and I are having a blast hanging out by the beach this week. It has been a fabulous time. Watching the waves crash on the sand while enjoying our favorite beverages and relaxing together.

I have not gotten to the point where I can afford to do this whenever I want but I do have to say this trip was made possible through my efforts in online marketing. I still have to be tied down by my regular full-time career but am hoping to break that chain soon.

Until then, I continue my efforts in my spare time. I have to say that I don’t mind blogging from the beach. It is a great place to be and I am enjoying what I am doing. That is one of the greatest things about this adventure is as long as I have my laptop and a WiFi connection I can do my work from anywhere. Not to mention, it really isn’t like work because I am enjoying what I am doing.

Do You Want Financial Freedom

If this is intriguing to you and you have the slightest inkling of starting your own online business, I am glad to help. I have put together an 8 step checklist to start your own website for free. Just give me your name and email and I will send you this information for free. I think everyone should have this opportunity. This will guide you to where it all started for me.

It will take a lot of time and effort to get to this point but it is completely doable! If you are interested, get this checklist and get it going!


If you do this today, you can have your website set up and started today! It seems like a pipe dream but it is not! It is a real possibility and the only thing holding you back is you! Step out of your own way and get this done for yourself!


I will let you dwell upon this after leaving you with a quote from John Maxwell. “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.”

Good luck to all!


2 thoughts on “Blogging By The Beach

  1. Blogging by the beach…one day, I’ll be able to do that.  Meanwhile, I’m stuck behind my computer at home, with the nearest thing to a beach being the neighbours in the communal back garden with 3 child-size swimming pools out for 7 kids.

    They were fun to watch…Now, back to this comment…The one thing according to John Maxwell, that I have changed is that I started a free trial of Conversion.Ai.  It’s an artificial intelligent copywriting software that turns your sentences into paragraphs.

    I was skeptical at first because I thought it would be like an article spinner.  I was proved wrong and 4 hours later, have written 2 blog posts.  That are witty and make total sense.   

    So the one thing that I changed today was to write 2 articles a day instead of 1 article every month!

    1. Well Stella, I never really mentioned it in the article but you’ve gotta have goals.

      Blogging by the beach really isn’t mine but to be able to do what I love any where I want and make an income definitely is! I am not quite there yet but Wealthy Affiliate has laid the path and I am walking down it. 

      It seems you have an idea where you are going with this and if I was a bettin’ man, I would say two a day will get you there faster than one a month! Keep putting in the work and it will pay off!

      Thanks for stopping by and enjoying the breeze with me!


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