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Everything exciting about affiliate marketing

Keeping up with the times and knowing what's working right now Doesn't Have to be Hard.
Start unlocking the Secrets of folks just like you who are increasing their commissions by 2X, 3X, and even 10X
without becoming slaves to their businesses

what you will gain access to

Affiliate Trends Monthly...

The latest affiliate news, marketing strategies, and changes...and how they affect YOUR business!


Affiliate marketing is ever-changing and you want to keep up with the latest trends. During the first week of each month, Matt delivers the latest news, updates, and trends in the affiliate marketing world...and what they mean for you.

Backstage Pass...

Exclusive behind-the-scenes access to their latest affiliate promotions. Learn what's working and what's not...every single month!


You get unprecedented access to Matt and his team each month as they pull back the curtain on their affiliate promotions. Revealing what worked and what didn't and sharing the exact strategies that led to our success (and how to avoid those failures).

Insider Profiles...

Monthly interviews with successful affiliates from a variety of industries and niches. Learn their secrets and proven strategies.


Get up close and personal with people who are succeeding with affiliate marketing. Hear interviews with thought leaders, influencers, and everyday platform builders who've had a successful promotion...and they share all their secrets with you!

Fireside Chats...

Access to Matt and his team each month through fireside chats. More than just Q&A, it's a time to take a deep dive into your biggest questions and greatest struggles.


It could have just been called a Q&A Session, but a fireside chat just feels so much more intimate (even if we can't promise a fire all the time). Matt and his team will be available every month to answer all of your affiliate marketing questions. This is where I have gotten answers to some of my struggles in affiliate marketing and gotten past some obstacles of my own.

Drop a buck and check out all this Goodness